Print Sizes

The images displayed on this website can typically be enlarged to the following sizes:

18″ x 12″ 24″ x 16″ 30″ x 20″ 36″ x 24″ 40″ x 26″ 60″ x 40″ *

The relative sizes of prints available are compared below. The ‘sunflower photograph’ illustrates how each of the various print sizes look like above a typical 90” sofa.

In addition, some of the images in the galleries were created with the panoramic format in mind. In certain cases, a photograph can also be cropped to fit a panoramic format.

  • Please note that NOT ALL images can enlarge successfully to the largest size of 60″x40″ which is very much ‘image dependent’. Many factors influence the maximum size that any particular image may be printed to. These factors include the type of camera format, the type of film or image sensor, the number of pixels of a particular camera, the subject matter itself, the weather conditions at the time the image was made, whether the subject was moving, etc. If you are interested in purchasing a 60″x40″ print, we will offer our recommendation as to how well that particular image will enlarge. If we feel the image cannot be printed to this largest size, we will not do so.

In addition, images creating diptychs, triptychs or polyptychs will enlarge to the specific sizes noted on the Gallery page.