Artist Statement

Water lilies | Middle Lake. Kenora, Ontario | 2015

Looking back to my childhood, I have always had an affinity for the ‘natural world’. Coming from a land ravaged by mining, forestry and forest fires, I understood very early the need to preserve our natural heritage. While Canada has always been blessed with a healthy environment as well as an abundant and diverse wildlife, it also faces a growing loss of habitat and species. In addition, a changing climate is now create additional challenges for life on this planet. We must not only acknowledge this fact but act now to preserve what we still can. We owe it to our children to leave this world in a better state than it is now. And we must be vigilant about this.

I feel very fortunate to have been born in Canada, as I firmly believe that I live in the best country in the world — bar none. What I love most about this country is its sheer beauty and diversity; Canada’s vastness truly boggles the mind. Photography has allowed me to explore the subtleties of the natural world in a way that complements the academic knowledge I gathered during my formative years. By walking a little slower, waiting a little longer, looking a little closer or deeper, I have been rewarded with the discovery of so many nuances of color, line, form, texture, and pattern that can be so easily missed. Photography is the vehicle through which I was able to discover this great country. As a result of looking through my camera’s viewfinder, I have become much more aware of my surroundings. Photography has literally heightened my ability to see and feel.

My lifelong commitment involves the constant search for evocative images that reflect the beauty and essence of this great land, images that speak to the heart. I am always seeking that often-fleeting but eloquent light that bathes our glorious landscape; the quiet, contemplative, intimate views of a road less traveled; the fascinating patterns of nature’s myriad and minute details; the unexpected appearance of one of nature’s elusive and secretive creatures. What often triggers my memory of a place has to do with the senses; it might be the way the light gently caresses the edge of a tree, or hearing the haunting cry of a loon.

I often seek and wait for the “sweet light”—that time of day in the morning and evening around the rising and setting of the sun when the light is warm and inviting. I also photograph frequently during other times of the day too. By keeping an open mind, I find that I am able to continually discover creative opportunities nearly anywhere I may find myself. For me, enjoying the outdoor experience is as important as creating the image. A photograph can never replace the experience of photographing or of actually experiencing the moment. Yet, while the memory may fail, the photograph will be a constant reminder of a moment in time, an experience felt and cherished.

As more people migrate to the cities, fewer people experience the natural environment. As a species, we are less and less connected to the natural world – our land, our skies, our waters, our forests and our creatures. Our existence on this earth represents but a fraction of the earth’s existence, including that of many of its other inhabitants. Yet, we make decisions daily that are threatening the planet’s health and even its survival. While the plight of the human condition deserves our attention, the devotion to our natural environment is no less noble. Not only is our own health dependent upon a healthy planet but so is that of all the other species; we have been taking this for granted for much too long.

As an artist, my focus in photography is to capture the beauty of this great country and to share it with others to remind us all that a healthy environment enriches our lives.

Mike Grandmaison